Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Morgan's 1st Holloween

Morgan was a cute kitty cat for her first Halloween! She was a great sport for most of the evening, until she became SUPER hot from the costume (Morgan gets hot easily...she gets it from her dad). We started out at our house with Grandma and Grandpa Marshall to get dressed up and take photos and then went to Faith Centers harvest party. At the harvest party, there were limited games for Morgans age which was a given but fortunately there was a kiddy pool with water and ducky's...a recipe for fun in Morgans book. Aunt Leah and Aunt Cheryl came, as well as Great Grandma Carolyn. Lots of Fun!!


(left) Bowling! Morgan was so cute when she was let loose by Aunt Cheryl to crawl down the bowling lane to get the pins...she got a strike!!! (middle) There was a photo area for all the kiddos to take their cute (right) Aunt Cheryl helping Morgan land the pin wheel on the right candy...I think it was mainly for Cheryl ;)


GG and morgan playing with the water...we are so thankful for the wonderful people that enjoy Morgan!

Cousin Kora and Morgan being kitty cats together. (not planned but oh so cute)

The puppy and the kitty...THEY CAN BE FRIENDS!!!!