Saturday, November 7, 2009

10 DAYS!!!!

Hello friends!!

I thought I would write down a few thoughts that has started out my day!

I am sitting in my living room, when all of the sudden I realized....10 DAYS until my due date! Only ten days, yet it feels like time is standing still. It has become so uncomfortable, lugging around this cute little baby of mine. Luckily, no back pain but boy is it hard to move about! It has become a chore to even get up from a chair or get out of bed. Now I know why women are always ready to get their little love one out...not only because they want to see this little sunshine but to GET THEIR BODY BACK!!!!
Today I am off to purchase material to cover the FREE glider chair (thanks to Beth for that) that was given to us. I will post some pictures of my hard work :) (even though my mom will probably do most of it...she is so good at sewing!)
Have a wonderful weekend!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

A "mile"stone!

I was on my way back from a super fun photo shoot (coming this week..check out this blog for those pictures) when I looked down at my speedometer and saw something that was a once in a life time moment! My speedometer read 111111 miles! Check it out for yourself!


Craft Day!!

Yesterday, Cheryl (my sister-in-law) put together a time for all of us ladies to get together and make cards and tags for this Christmas! We had great food and a fun time enjoying each others company. Those that attentended were: Trisha, Alicia, Aunt Linda, Aunt Vanessa, Amy, Rebecca, Amber, my mom, cheryl, Pam, and me!
It was a lot of fun! Cant wait for the Holidays

Amber and Trish, concentrating!


Alicia's "secret" guess, they are thank you's for Kora's 1st birthday party!

Alicia'a tags...of course they are super cute...wouldnt expect anything less

Rebecca working really really hard!

Aunt Lind and Aunt Vanessa making cute little stockings